if you are being abused here are some organisation that you can contact. Here is a collection of contact details for associations that can help with domestic violence situations
We proudly offer a variety of courses and services at no cost. Whether you are an individual or an organisation, we warmly welcome your referrals. If you are considering making a referral, including self-referrals, please know that we are eager to hear from you. Your engagement in this process is greatly valued and plays a significant role in the success of our programs.
Refuge’s National Domestic Abuse Helpline
Enfield Council Domestic Abuse Hub
Hestia life beyond crisis
Victim support
Enfield Saheli
Enfield Women’s Centre (EWC)
IKWRO Women’s Rights Organisation - support for Middle Eastern, North African and Afghan survivors
Surviving economic abuse Deals with Economic abuse from spouse
NSPCC Deals with Female genital mutilation (FGM)
Forced Marriage Unit
Karma Nirvana ‘Honour’-based abuse, forced marriage and domestic abuse
LB Enfield – Housing Options and Advice Team
Enfield Single Housing
All People All Places Day Centre
Citizens advice
Welfare Advice and Debt Support team
Website: https://www.enfield.gov.uk/services/benefits-and-money-advice/welfare-advice-and-support
For mental health
Disability Rights UK
Stand Together Network
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